Last Price
Today's Change
+0.005 (0.531%)
Day's Change
0.935 - 0.955
Trading Volume
Avg Volume (4 weeks)
4 Weeks Range
0.925 - 0.995
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%)
52 Weeks Range
0.585 - 0.995
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%)
Previous Close
0.945 x 279,300
0.95 x 2,400
Day's Range
0.935 - 0.955
Trading Volume
Sector: Manufacturing
Sector: Manufacturing
Hong Leong Asia Ltd. is an investment holding company. The principal activities of the Company and its subsidiaries are those relating to the manufacturing and distribution of diesel engines and related products, building materials, rigid packaging products, and investment holding and dealing. Its Diesel engines segment includes diesel engines and automobile spare parts. The Building materials segment consists of cement, precast concrete products, ready-mix concrete, and quarry products. Rigid packaging segment includes plastic packaging related products and container components. It manufactures, assembles, and sells a variety of light, medium and heavy-duty engines for trucks, buses, passenger vehicles, industrial equipment, and marine and agricultural applications. It offers various grades of ready-mix concrete as well as precast concrete elements for public housing construction. It offers a range of rigid plastic packaging products for the industrial and consumer packaging markets.
Nta 1.24...
About 66sen to go.....minimumly.
Privatisation normally Nta*1.30
2017-02-13 14:59
1.295 now@
Nta= 1.90 just to remind you , plenty of windfall@@your money your choice
2017-02-14 10:12
While you still dreaming buy or not to buy, hit record high 1.325...
Reminder= Nta is 1.90
2017-02-14 10:30
1.375 record closing again.
Dream for 1.90 because NTA=1.90
More to go for tomorrow...stay tune!!!
2017-02-14 17:19
Consolidation coming and pushing down to rebound back to 1.325...this is great!!
2017-02-15 14:20
After completing the corporate exercise for HLF at bursa, HLA be the next target to privatise due to stock price greatly under value as compared to NTA of 1.9
2017-02-08 10:11