Hi Benson911, if Kl Vin is right, then no point to accumulate. Since BB is not coming in, there is always lower price coming along... Just wait till it reaches $1.10, then see what Kl Vin is going to say.. :(
Kl Vin, I dun see BB is coming in to support or push it up... Somehow BB does not like Genting. Currently I am seeing the ordinary people holding it...
benson911, You are lucky that you did not go in to accumulate... You do not want to stuck your hard earned money there!
benson911, be careful of averaging.. it will take a long time for Genting to move up.. BB are too engrossed with other stocks.. So far, Genting is not drawing enough attention.. Let us see another month time..
Who knows? Everyone guess is the same.. At this point of time, looking at the chart, it does not give a good indication for a recovery. You cannot see a clear target of how low it can go. Kl Vin think $1.10, which is a bit aggressive. But it can happen if Genting make a wrong investment! I would say any number below $1.40 should be good to enter, basing on current market!
Hi benson911, for the past 2 months, Genting is only moving one direction.. that is downwards! So far, no indication of recovery! The news from out there is not promising! Do you think there is any BB interested in this? I dun think so! Shareholders are moving away.... It needs a lot of good news to lure the interest!
Genting continues to go down... It has been clamped down by the rules and policies for the better to the people. This causes to turn away the BB from investing. Further more... No promising news from the casinos industries! Better stay out for the time being! Signing off from the Forum....!
This counter keep dropping although Index up almost 200 point !! Once Market do correction ~ I believe this counter will drop more deeper !!! And This Counter NEVER GOT SUPPORTED !! BUY ONLY WHEN THIS COUNTER SHOW "BUY" SIGNAL !! Or You guys can collect abit at current price ~ And prepare another bullet for next lower prices !! Cheers !! :)
Hi benson911, Kl Vin is right! There is no BB supporting this counter. When the shareholder run out of patience, it can only go one direction.. that is downward. Better stay away from this counter for the time being!
Depend on which strategy you guys Invest ~~ For me ...The current price 1.31 Is very cheap !! (But May go down futher..who know?) I'm waiting for long long time ~! And NOW IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO COLLECT SOME AND KEEP !! BELIEVE ME !! YOU WONT REGRET !! GENS IS UNDERVALUE NOW !! I THINK "SOMEONE" IS TRYING TO PUSHING DOWN THE PRICES !! FEAR OUT ALL THE UNPATIENT INVESTOR !! WE LETS BUY AND KEEP !! BELOW 1.30 IS VERY DISCOUNT PRICES !! BE GREEDY WHEN EVERYONE IS FEAR !! MUST REMEMBER THAT !!!! GD9 !!
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Posted by stockpro > 2012-06-21 23:03 | Report Abuse
1.42 issit stop lose point already? Or still have hope? Any expert idea?