Last Price
Today's Change
0.00 (0.00%)
Day's Change
0.00 - 0.00
Trading Volume
Avg Volume (4 weeks)
4 Weeks Range
0.88 - 0.91
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%)
52 Weeks Range
0.88 - 1.05
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%)
Previous Close
0.88 x 1,200
0.915 x 5,100
Day's Range
0.00 - 0.00
Trading Volume
Sector: Real Estate Activities
Sector: Real Estate Activities
Bonvests Holdings Limited is a Singapore-based investment holding company that is engaged in the provision of management services to its subsidiaries. The Company's segments include Rental, Hotel, Industrial, Investment, Development and Others. The Rental segment is engaged in the operations that comprise the owning and letting of properties. The Hotel segment is engaged in activities that include the development and operation of hotels and a golf course. The Industrial segment activities cover waste collection and disposal and contract cleaning. The Investment segment is engaged in activities that relate to securities trading and investment holding. The Development segment is engaged in activities that include the development of properties. The Others segment operations include mainly the provision of management services and the operation of restaurants. Its wholly owned subsidiaries include Goldcove Pte Ltd, Bonvests Trading Pte Ltd, Cavendish Realty Pte Ltd and Goldvista Pte Ltd.