Last Price
Today's Change
+0.002 (1.307%)
Day's Change
0.152 - 0.159
Trading Volume
Prev Close:0.28, Open:0.28, Bid:0.28, Ask:0.28, 1y Target Est:10.39, Day's Range:0.28 - 0.28, 52wk Range:0.27 - 0.43, Volume: 105,000, Avg Vol (3m):429,970
Market Cap:219.73M, P/E (ttm):70.00, EPS (ttm):0.00
stock recommendation for tomorrow at
2013-09-04 14:44
mermaid to report 4Q results on nov 27 after mkt close. Expect better results?
2013-11-25 22:11
Mermaid have transformed into a better company since last year. I think the management is doing a great job. At this critical moment, shareholder shall not throw their the share cheaply. this stock is under value at the moment. The reasonable price shall be around sgd 0.45...
2015-01-13 17:20
Ben Teo
anyone sink in this ship?
2013-09-04 11:53