Last call? Last call bf it gonna shoot up? Still long way to go lar, buy buy land but what is the plan? Building commercial? Seen no more news from Albedo
SO, There never been wrong of people saying don`t touch the vicent tan or danny tan family counter» coz they always find way to goreng the stock· can u believe it where all news saying near to deal n now not able to deal········ we are not stupid lar
albedo lawyers must take immediate steps to protect co & shareholders by filing caveats on all the lands as Albedo has registrable interest on those non Agri land to prevent Msian parties ramp & dump on already bleeding Spore investors. If lawyer negligent then lawyer must be held accountable in AGM incl all directors. Thers no 2 ways about it and SGX the regulator who took eyes off ball too often must demand Albedo take steps
BT reported Palace not too keen with RTO , of course lah Big deal must get blessing b4hand, Tan not operating in KL & land not in KL. Looks like nothing albedo can do now but forget the whole deal & face the wreath of shareholders n punters & Sgx
When there is danger ....opportunities are just around the corner. Can this ctr drop any further than this? Judging by the huge volume being gobbled up these few days there are a lot of people who seems to know more than some of us? Opportunities around the corner? Pray tell....if you know pleeez....
Albedo is diversified its business to aesthetic medicine based in Taiwan & China.Now the time to invest in this Stock?
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Posted by 0665hock > 2014-01-10 15:12 | Report Abuse
fooyoo....early ang pao