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Astute stock-picking still key; Singtel remains our Top Pick. We see the stronger GDP growth and peaking interest rates as supportive of Singapore’s telecommunications sector (SG telcos) in 2024F. Sector FY24F EV/EBITDA of 9.4x is fair (-1SD from historical mean), given the mature stage of the market, and at a premium to the ASEAN-4 average of 6x. This is justified, in part, by superior yields. Singtel is our Top Pick, being a regional sector bellwether and a core telco portfolio constituent.
Earnings momentum and dividend outlook. The SG telcos notched <1% return in 2023 (FSSTI: -0.3%, YTD: -2%) on stock-specific issues and earnings headwinds (investments in new capabilities and inflationary pressures). We see sector core EBITDA growing by c.12% YoY in CY24F from +7% YoY in 2023, largely from better operational numbers and cost restraint. SG telcos continue to offer the highest dividend yields among the ASEAN-4 telcos, at 5.5% on average for FY24F. This compares with the 4% in Malaysia, 2.7% in Indonesia, and 3.5% in Thailand.
Roaming recovery gathers pace. We see a further normalisation of industry roaming revenues in 2024 to pre-pandemic levels (currently at 60- 70%) from the pick-up in visitor arrivals. This comes on the back of the reciprocal visa-free scheme extended to inbound China travellers, which is set to be implemented soon, and additional flights between the two countries. Overall, industry blended mobile ARPU (9M23: +3.3% YoY) should be supported by stronger 5G monetisation and rational competition.
Singtel – stronger ROIC, dividend upside. We see: i) Continued ROIC improvement (low double-digit target by FY26F) from cost-saving initiatives (SGD0.6m targeted into FY26F) and synergies from the combined Singapore mobile and enterprise operations; ii) potentially higher dividends (including specials) from capital recycling (SGD6bn targeted) as share price catalysts. While mid-term headwinds (higher churn) are expected for Optus after last November’s major network incident, we believe market price reparation remains a strong underlying catalyst. Post 1HFY24F results, management raised DPS guidance to 70-90% of core PATAMI (from 60- 80%). We project 12.9% FY24-FY26F core earnings CAGR.
StarHub – uncertainties despite lower transformation spending. The company is mid-way through its multi-year (2022-2025) transformation programme (DARE+), which is set to strengthen its core focus and offerings (Infinity Play) in the longer term. While management guided for lower DARE+ spending at its recent 2023 Investor Day, ie of SGD270m (SGD310m previously), the benefits and positive synergies will likely take time to accrue – with execution and weaker-than-expected transformation outcomes still being key downside risks, in our view.
Key downside risks: Intensifying competition, weaker-than-expected earnings, and the negative effect of external macroeconomic developments. A sector consolidation portends upside risk.
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....