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6 comment(s). Last comment by Revier Thomas 2014-04-08 15:43
Posted by albertlaw > 2014-04-05 07:40 | Report Abuse
50 lots at 50cts after 1 for 1 stocksplit will become 25cts but as at 4 April it is at 26.5 net gain 50000X(26.5-25)=$750 plus you will be entitled to 50000 free bonus warrants would give you 50000x$0.089=$ your total gross profit will be $5200 only
Posted by albertlaw > 2014-04-07 19:31 | Report Abuse
Posted by albertlaw > 2014-04-07 19:32 | Report Abuse
The Board of Directors (&ldquo Directors&rdquo ) of Tritech Group Limited (the &ldquo Company&rdquo and together with its
subsidiaries, the &ldquo Group&rdquo ) wishes to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Tritech Engineering &
Testing (Singapore) Pte Ltd (&ldquo Tritech Engineering&rdquo ), had on 3 April 2014, been awarded a S$6.298
million contract, &ldquo Contract T2807 for the Instrumentation and Monitoring for Thomson Line Contracts
T220 and T221&rdquo (the &ldquo Contract&rdquo ) by the Land Transport Authority (&ldquo LTA&rdquo ) for the Thomson Line
(&ldquo TSL&rdquo ).
The TSL will be the sixth mass rapid transit (&ldquo MRT&rdquo ) line in Singapore comprising 22 stations and 6
interchange stations with a 30 km underground train line between the Woodlands North and Gardens
by the Bay stations.
The Contract comprises of Thomson Line Contracts T220 and T221 (&ldquo Contracts T220 and T221&rdquo )
which relates to the part of the TSL comprising the Great World and Havelock stations with a tunnel
length of about 2.2 km.
Tritech Engineering has been appointed by the LTA under the Contract to provide instrumentation and
monitoring services for Contracts T220 and T221, which includes, inter alia, supplying and installing
geotechnical instruments and monitoring ground movements within the surrounding excavation and
construction area.
The commencement date of the Contract is 7 April 2014 and the expected completion date for
Contracts T220 and T221 is 30 December 2020. The defects liability period is 6 months.
Save for the Company&rsquo s independent director, Professor Yong Kwet Yew, who is a board and
executive committee member of the LTA, none of the Directors or substantial shareholders of the
Company has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract (other than through their shareholdings in
the Company). Professor Yong Kwet Yew was not involved in giving any recommendation in respect
of the Contract or in any discussions or negotiations leading to the award of the Contract.
The Contract is not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated earnings per share
and/or net tangible assets per share of the Group for the current financial year ending 31 March 2015.
No result.
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Frant Denner
46 posts
Posted by Frant Denner > 2014-04-04 17:08 |
Post removed.Why?